Linked content is a huge part of what makes our service great if you have multiple guides. As an example use case, imagine you have a dozen single family vacation rentals in a similar area. It’s likely that you’ll come up with a universal checkout procedure for all of them. Instead of having to create and maintain 12 different topics for each vacation rental, you can link them. When a linked topic is edited on any guide, the content will auto-update on all the guides.
What if you need to make one guide different?
If a time comes when one guide needs to have different content from the other 11, you can unlink it from the rest with just a couple of clicks. First, go to the guidebook where the topic needs to be unique. To the right of the topic name, click the ‘Link’ icon to open up the popup. This popup will show all the guidebooks that this topic is linked across as well as give you the ability to unlink it. When you click the ‘Duplicate & Unlink’ button, the system will re-create that topic as an individual topic, not connected to any other guidebooks. You can then freely edit that topic without it affecting other guidebooks.
How can I tell if a topic is linked?
When editing topics in your dashboard, a linked topic will have a linked icon next to the privacy icon on the right side of the topic. When the linked icon is clicked, a popup will occur showing every guide that topic appears on.